Friday, January 4, 2019

Intercultural Communication

Define Intercultural Communication. 

Intercultural Communication is the verbal and nonverbal interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds to communicate or share information. It also requires an understanding that different cultures have different customs, standards, social mores, and even thought patterns. A person who has good intercultural communication skills has willingness to accept differences from others and adapt to them.

1. Have you been immersed in a foreign land or culture? As a result of this experience, what changes has it brought to you?

I have been immersed in a foreign land near our province for 4 days and it really gave me an amazing experience. Of course, they have different culture and language. I can’t speak their language but luckily I can understand them because I’m an Aklanon who is flexible in other Bisaya dialects. I talked to them using the Filipino language so that we could talk each other comfortably and understand each other. It made me realize how so much important our very own Filipino Language is. 

2. How can you become more intercultural without having to immerse first – hand in a foreign culture?

Without having to immerse first – hand in a foreign culture we can still become more intercultural by the help of technology. We’re now living in the modern world where it provides everything to us. We can search or find any places around the world and know more everything about it. Whatever we want to learn, wherever we want to go we can see it and learn it.

3. Has there been a time when you have offended someone of a different linguistic and cultural background? What was the situation? How was the conflict resolved?

I don’t know if she got offended. It was in our classroom when where talking in a group, suddenly our classmate from other province spoke on their own language and I eventually laughed hearing it. One of my classmate told me to not be like that but in a joke way and not only me who laughed at those times. I think there was no any conflict happened because we’re both flexible people and knowing that the one who came from the other province is also flexible too. She’s a person who doesn’t treat it seriously knowing that we are not serious also. We know to each other that it is fun hearing new words came from the person who has different language; we understand each other and still learning new things from them also they’re learning from us.

4. What factors can increase your effectiveness in communicating with people from other cultures?

In communicating with people from other cultures, it has factors in order for us to be a good communicator. First is the cultural factor, we should understand first the cultural distinctions across the world and know what culture you’re in to. Interact with them respectfully and learn from each other.  Second is the self – awareness, be aware of how you act around people: some jokes, words, expressions or phrases may be offensive to people with a different background from you. We should keep our mind open at all times to avoid conflicts. Lastly, the experience, be a learner and observant. Try to experience different cultures.  Traveling is the best way to inspire curiosity about other cultures but you can also have exposure to different cultures by starting to visit different places near you . You can also join social groups for international professionals or even attend plays, art museums or watch movies that are from another culture. Increase the variety of cultures that you encounter in your daily life.

5. Using the Scale below, how would you rate yourself as an intercultural communication? Why?
Excellent = 4; Good = 3; Fair = 2; Poor = 1

I will rate myself as Good in Intercultural Communication because I understand that different cultures have different customs, standards, and even thought patterns. I accept differences and learning how to adapt to them.

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